2024 was a year

by webmaster 2024-12-31 updated: 2025-03-01 #general

2024 was a year. 2025 is shaping up to be quite a year as well. I'm exhausted. I wanted to end the year with my usual synopsis, but I couldn't make myself do it. So here we are - 2 months into the new year I'm backdating this post with extreme prejudice. Whatever.

I'm still alive. I guess that counts for something. On a personal level, I shouldn't have a lot of things to complain about. And yet...

This blog is about coding and programming and related things. But I've lost some of that gung-ho. I do my work at the day job, then I do other stuff. Side projects have fallen to the wayside. Sometimes I'm tempted to post about other things on my mind, but I don't want to change the spirit of this blog (yeah I know, it's my blog I can do whatever yada yada).

I'm pretty much posting for myself. I don't know if I have an audience and I don't really care. I've quit social media for the most part and I barely engage in whatever's left. I don't care about followers or influencing.

But in the off-chance that you are reading this, I am still alive. Maybe I'll post a code-related thing this year, maybe not. See you on the other side.

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